Melobytes Pro (text to song)

Automatically saved form
You are viewing a saved form (created ) Load clean form
Write your lyrics in the following field and press the «Melobytes» button. Between the strophes should be a blank line.

The application will analyze the lyrics and will build a unique procedurally generated melody. If you like the melody you can save it and use it as if it were your own. (example lyrics)
Basic input data
Language (R)
Scale - tonality (R)
Tempo (R)
Singer (R)
Time signature - style (R)
Generate video clip (R)
Video orientation (R)
Upload your images
Allowed file types: jpeg, jpg, bmp, wmf, gif, png, ico, tiff, emf, rle, mov, wmv, avi, mp4, gif, mkv, flv
Max size : 10 MB
Drag and drop files anywhere
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Lyrics (R)
Lyrics completion with AI (R)
Duration (min) (R)
Seed number
Seasonal style (R)
Sound font (R)
Track 1 - melody 1 (R)
Track 2 - melody 2 (R)
Track 3 - Drums (R)
Track 4 - Bass (R)
Track 5 - Guitar (R)
Track 6 (R)
Track 7 - Strings (R)
Track 8 (R)
Track 9 - solo (R)
Drums only (R)
Drum loop (R)
Music sounds (R)
Male singer (R)
Female singer (R)
Rap (R)
A cappella (R)
Choir members (R)
Voice reverb (R)
Reverb (R)
Compressor (R)
Distortion (R)
Flanger (R)
Gargle (R)
Parametric Eq (R)
Chorus (R)
Echo (R)
Additional audio effect (R)
Video width (pixels) (R)
Video height (pixels) (R)
Font (R)
Boustrophedon (R)
Capital (R)
Subtitles (R)
Picture type (R)
Frames transition (R)
Background video (R)
Video effect (R)
Picture effect (R)
Composition parameters
Intro (R)
Ornament (R)
Byzantine ison (R)
Notes shift (R)
Fuga (repeats) (R)
Clapping (R)
Quick feedback

Your rate

Additional comments


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